select logtime, count(*), round(sum(blocks * block_size) / 1024 / 1024) mbsize from (select trunc(first_time, 'hh') as logtime, a.BLOCKS, a.BLOCK_SIZE from v$archived_log a where a.DEST_ID = 1 and a.FIRST_TIME > trunc(sysdate)) group by logtime order by logtime desc; 查最近一周每天的归档日志生成量 Sql代码 收藏代码select logtime, count(*), round(sum(blocks * block_size) / 1024 / 1024) mbsize from (select trunc(first_time, 'dd') as logtime, a.BLOCKS, a.BLOCK_SIZE from v$archived_log a where a.DEST_ID = 1 and a.FIRST_TIME > trunc(sysdate - 7)) group by logtime order by logtime desc; 如果你需要知道RAC下各个节点的归档日志情况,我将上面脚本略作修改,增加thread#列。 查当天每小时的各个实例的归档日志生成量 Sql代码 收藏代码select THREAD#, logtime, count(*), round(sum(blocks * block_size) / 1024 / 1024) mbsize from (select a.THREAD#, trunc(first_time, 'hh') as logtime, a.BLOCKS, a.BLOCK_SIZE from v$archived_log a where a.DEST_ID = 1 and a.FIRST_TIME > trunc(sysdate)) group by THREAD#, logtime order by THREAD#, logtime desc; 查最近一周每天的各个实例的归档日志生成量 Sql代码 收藏代码select THREAD#, logtime, count(*), round(sum(blocks * block_size) / 1024 / 1024) mbsize from (select THREAD#, trunc(first_time, 'dd') as logtime, a.BLOCKS, a.BLOCK_SIZE from v$archived_log a where a.DEST_ID = 1 and a.FIRST_TIME > trunc(sysdate - 7)) group by THREAD#, logtime order by THREAD#, logtime desc;